Employee Engagement

The post-pandemic employee turn-over rates have reached above 20% in Hong Kong. Employee retention remains the key priorities.[1]

Traditional team building, town hall or brain storming meeting are becoming irrelevant to engage employee. Engage employee in arts activities can fuel innovation and creativity while foster a sense of connection and belonging.

We offer arts-based employee engagement initiatives with below themes:

  1. Passion at work: Identify personal value and ignite passion at the workplace

  2. Create, connect and celebrate: Team building for personal and organisational growth

  3. I belong: Cultivate company culture and establish a sense of belonging

Drama to explore dream career

Team Building

Movement and visual art for team building

Company culture, sense of belonging

Visual art to cultivate company culture

[1] Robert Walters Hong Kong (2023). “Hong Kong top five hiring trends in 2023.” Retrieved from https://www.robertwalters.com.hk/hiring/hiring-advice/top-five-hiring-trends-hk-2023.html