
Ink for Mettā 墨。映

Joanna To, Creative Arts in Education and Therapy – Eastern and Western Perspectives – Volume 6, Issue 2, December 2020


《墨‧映》是中國書法和慈心觀在表達藝術治療實踐的結合。中國書法是一種具有美學欣賞 價值的傳統書寫藝術,抄寫經文更是佛教修煉自心覺性的練習。慈心觀是一種佛教傳統修 持,提倡自利利他的精神,培養慈愛 。修持旨在提升專注力和覺察,當情緒和念頭生起, 毋須對抗,只要覺察,並回到當下的修習。表達藝術治療正與這種修習相應,在活動的過 程中,讓潛藏的情緒被探視,以至逐漸得到紓解,促進心靈健康。中國書法和慈心觀在表 達藝術治療的實踐,建基於運用藝術於治療中的「表達性治療連續系統」理論架構。本文 將分享《墨‧映》的概念和應用,並進一步探討加入舞蹈治療元素的可能性。


Create together through the pandemic: Mandala-making with Japanese Pastel Nagomi Art for relaxation and emotional expression

Joanna To, The Journal of Creative Arts Therapies - Volume 15, Number 1, 2020


The coronavirus has been a threat to our physical and mental wellness, but lockdown has allowed us an opportunity to explore different online platforms to share the joy of art-making and nurture positive energy during adversity. LoveHKLoveU is a social media platform set up by the University of Hong Kong to promote love and care during the pandemic, where, among other things, ideas on guided visualisation and mandala-making are shared. The mandala are made using Japanese Pastel Nagomi Art to encourage relaxation, express emotions, and promote well-being. The two online posts reached over 8,000 viewers within two months.


Mindfulness Meditation, Mental Health, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Chinese Buddhist Monastics

MCF Tsui, JCN To, ATC Lee, East Asian Arch Psychiatry, Volume 30, Number 3, September 2020


Objective: To determine associations between mindfulness meditation and mental health and health-related quality of life among Buddhist monastics.

Methods: This is a cross-sectional study of Chinese Buddhist monastics aged ≥18 years who practised mindfulness meditation daily. Mental health was assessed by the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), whereas health-related quality of life was assessed by the 12-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12). The number of years and the average daily amount of time spent in mindfulness meditation were collected …


以藝觀心 以法育慈 表達藝術治療 (in Chinese only)

訪問慈山寺高級教育主任杜駿雅,慈山鑑 2018

一筆一念 無念無我 表達藝術治療 (in Chinese only)

訪問慈山寺高級教育主任杜駿雅,慈山鑑 2016