Education & NGO Collaborations

We partner with local and international schools, universities and NGOs and schools to provide tailor-made arts-based programmes. Group or individual art-based supervision is available for Expressive Arts Therapy trainees.

Enquiries:WhatsApp (852) 9736 4081

Professional Training & Staff Development

We tailor-made professional expressive arts therapy training and staff development for teachers, counsellors and social workers in schools, universities and NGO settings. Participants will get first hand experience of applying expressive arts in their respective work settings.

Educational Talks

An overview of applying expressive arts to foster the competence of emotional management so as to raise the youth and children’s awareness of mental wellbeing.

Experiential Workshops

We offer thematic workshops grounded in levering the creative process for enhancing well-being. We have a full-range of programmes for different populations from children to elderly.  

Therapy Groups

A group of participants (4 – 6 people) will identify common themes or challenges together and explore possibilities through arts-based activities. Instead of tackling challenges alone, the group sessions leverage group dynamic and support to drive change and foster growth. You can join one of our group therapy sessions or form your own group.