Abstract Painting

Be inspired by famous abstract artists and create

The workshop will begin with appreciation of master pieces from famous abstract artists, Kandinsky Wassily and Piet Mondriant. Children will then learn the point and line to plane, and primary colour concepts. Children will have freedom to create and we can learn more about them. At the end of each session, our Registered Expressive Arts Therapist will facilitate sharing among participants, parents are welcome to join.

Target: Children aged 6 to 12
Language:Cantonese or English
Date | Time
29/12 | Friday | 4:30pm-5:30pm

Enquiry: WhatsApp (852) 9736 4081

Our Facilitator

Joanna is a Registered Expressive Arts Therapist, MARI® practitioner, Certified Zentangle Teacher and Pastel-Nagomi Art Teacher. She has worked with different populations in local and international schools, Corporations, NGOs, youth centres and elderly homes. She would love to promote Expressive Arts Therapy to the general public in cultivating personal growth and holistic health.